6 Easy Ways to Raise the Vibration of Your Home

6 Easy Ways to Raise the Vibration of Your Home

How to promote positive energy flow in your home (without moving any furniture)

High vibrational living is not just about our own energy; it extends to the energy in our environment as well. As you might already know, when your energy is high—as in, you’re vibrating at a high frequency—the better you feel. We are naturally drawn to people with high vibrational energy, and the same goes for our surroundings.

The Energy of Your Space

You can definitely feel the energy around you even if you can’t see it. When we’re in a high-vibration environment, we feel more joyful, less stressed, and more inspired. You want to spend more time in places and rooms that have good energy and make you feel good, whereas those with negative or stagnant energy can make you feel stressed and anxious.

You may be spending more time at home these days, and keeping a space that feels like a sanctuary is an essential part of overall wellness. Luckily, it's easy to elevate your environment and make it feel more peaceful and calm.

1. KonMari Your Space 

Physical clutter blocks the free flow of energy in your space, thereby creating stagnant energy—or “energetic clutter”—that can impact your mood and leave you feeling anxious. Sometimes you don’t even realize it; you get used to the pile of books and papers on your desk, the toys on the floor, the random odds and ends in the drawers.

Some of the items in your home may actually hold onto negative energy, say, a gift that came from a painful past experience (and you wonder why you’re always cranky!).

Start paying attention to how you feel in every room. Look at what’s around you, and take Marie Kondo's advice: get rid of anything that doesn't bring you joy. Consider whether there are things you can organize or remove all together to get the positive vibes flowing again.

It’s amazing what a good purging session can do for your wellbeing!

2. Decorate with Love & Care

Just as removing items that hold onto unwanted energy can make you feel more light and calm, so too does incorporating decor into your surroundings that promote feelings of positivity.

Everything around you, from your throw pillows to the color of your furniture and walls can mean the difference between a space that is calming, inspiring and uplifting and one that increases anxiety. It’s all about how your decor makes you feel.

For example, bright orange cushions may not promote tranquility (blue and gray are better options), but they could be a great choice if you want to boost your creativity and motivation.

What’s more, handmade, ethically sourced and sustainable items tend to be higher vibration than those that are factory-made or less responsibly sourced and bad for the environment (it’s all about the energy and intention involved in the production of a product that is transmitted from person to object).

Items like candles and incense, framed inspirational quotes, and pictures of love ones can all help create a calmer, more positive atmosphere.

3. Foster Lots of Foliage

Elevating your decor can include adding more plants to your environment. The reason for peppering one’s indoor space with greenery may be rooted—no pun intended—in growing evidence that plants can indeed make us happier!

Biologically speaking, being around nature can change our bodies and our brains, everything from lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, to stronger alpha waves, the kind of waves you get when you're super calm but alert, as in the beginning of deep meditation.

Even more interesting: soil contains microbes (mycobacterium vaccae) that trigger the release of serotonin—a.k.a. the happy chemical—in the brain. Lovingly dubbed "outdoorphins" by researchers, these microbes act as natural anti-depressants to help promote feelings of relaxation and comfort. 

So, go ahead! Fill your living area, bedroom and workspace with plants and fresh flowers to instantly elevate the vibration of your home.

4. Burn Sage or Palo Santo 

Becoming an increasingly popular way to cleanse one's space of negative energy, the burning of Sage or Palo Santo is a centuries-old practice by indigenous peoples traditionally called smudging.

Sage, which is part of the larger plant family of mint, comes from a plant found in the Southwest, whereas Palo Santo, meaning "Holy Wood," is wood that comes from a tree native to Peru and other South American countries that's harvested only when a tree dies.

Central to purification rituals, burning Sage or Palo Santo cleanses spaces or objects of negative energy, and promotes healing and calm. By removing this negative energy, more positive energy is able to flow freely.

Burning Sage or Palo Santo can be used in a variety of specific situations, such as when you move into a new home, are about to start a new project, or even after you’ve had a disagreement with someone.

Ready to smudge? Once you have all the materials you need, make sure you set your intention so you are clear on what you want released and what you intend to attract to you. Keep in mind that burning Sage or Palo Santo is a sacred act and thus should be part of a meditative ritual.


5. Light a Candle or Incense

The aroma and smoke emitted from candles and incense can promote feelings of calm, happiness and positivity in much the same way as the smoke from burning Sage or Palo Santo.

Candles or oil blends that are made with oils or resin from Sage or Palo Santo have natural cleansing properties.

Generally speaking, scents with bright and crisp citrus notes like Orange, Lemon and Bergamot, tend to promote feelings of joy and positivity, while fresh scents like Peppermint and Spearmint can also have an uplifting effect. For stress relief, consider Lavender, Neroli, Jasmine, Patchouli, Sage or Chamomile. 

Incense, which comes from Tibet and Nepal, has been used for centuries to aid in meditation and healing ceremonies. The burning of incense is also believed to help with banishing evil spirits, cleansing spaces, and deepening one's spiritual connection. Incense scents are commonly warm, woodsy and floral, like Copal, Sandalwood and Cedar. 


6. Use Crystals for Energy Clearing

Crystals, used for centuries to heal, cleanse and draw forth positive energies, are amazing tools for energetic space clearing and promoting all around good vibes. To keep your space feeling clear and vibrant, place clusters of clear quartz, amethyst or apophyllite in the room.

Placing crystals around your workspace is also an effective way to promote motivation, creativity and focus. Crystals like citrine and fluorite are powerful in promoting mental clarity, decision-making and abundance, while darker stones like Black Tourmaline and Shungite help with clearing the  “electromagnetic smog” arising from computers, TVs and your phone. 

Want even more crystal power? Place a crystal in each of the room’s corners, a practice called gridding. Be thoughtful about how the terminations of the crystal cluster are pointing—if they point toward each of the corners, this will protect the room, whereas if they are pointing inwards, they will charge and raise the energy of the space.


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